Are we so sure about our job security, and our lives financially, that we can just up and decide not to go into work every other day, or call out two times every week? I don’t know about you, but PEOPLE ARE IDIOTS! Do they not realize that working is a privilege, and can lose their job at any point, or get hurt and not be able to work? I just do not understand people’s work ethics in today’s society! It’s like we live in a new dimension all hell has broke loose. Seriously, the world has become a free for all full of idiots!
I see this all the time, especially when I worked in staffing and H.R. People just don’t get it! We have lazy individuals working, hating their job, complaining about it constantly when we have SO MANY people out there that are jobless and would love that job no matter what it is. Personally, I have called out/went home from work about 5 times in the past 14 years! Two of those times I was actually MADE to leave work because my medicine was not keeping my temperature down, so I had no choice! I get it we all get sick, shoot I don’t feel good today, and I am working! I don’t like it, but I am here with bells on!
Top 5 Excuses Used When Calling Out
1.) “I have a Doctors appointment”– OK, a doctors appointment, no big deal right? What about the other three doctors appointment you had this week, and a hair or nail appointment? Unless you are very ill, diagnosed recently with some sort of cancer, or about to die because you are so stupid to come up with a better reason, one person does not have FOUR doctors appointments in one week! EAT AN APPLE A DAY TO KEEP THE DOCTOR AWAY, BOOM!
2.) “I’m working from home”– LOL, riiiiiiight! The only way I believe this one, is if you are contagiously sick or you work from home permanently! No one is taking a day off to work from home. Yea, you may have your laptop up, and checking emails as they come in, maybe take a call if needed to cover yourself. Don’t kid yourself though, we all know you are over there snuggled on the couch with your coffee watching soaps, or bad re-runs of the Golden Girls!
3.) “I had a death in the family”– Perfectly acceptable! Just do not use your grandmother or grandfather all 5 times you have called out! FYI, we only have so many IMMEDIATE blood-related grandparents. After a while, people start to wonder where you actually came from, and are you really human, just saying.
4.) “Family Emergency”– This is a common one. No need to give details when it has to do with your family. This is one you do not want to take advantage of though. Remember, anything could happen to any one of your loved ones at any time, so don’t become the girl that cried wolf.
5.) “School Closed/Sick Child”– This is also a very common one, and again nothing wrong with this. When it comes to our children they are the important ones and come first. If at all possible have backup plans for child care in case of a school closing. For example: take turns with other parents helping watch the kids so you don’t all have to call out every time. A sick child is a sick child they need their mommy or daddy, no explanation needed.
Top 5 “Are You Kidding Me” Excuses
1.) “Walk of Shame”– Hey boss, I won’t be able to make it into work today because, I got lucky last night woke up this morning completely lost, and I have no clue where I am. LOL, ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? Well at least he got lucky, maybe he got engaged too! They are going to need some sort of back up plan for the money after the boss fires him!
2.) “Just not Feeling it today” – SERIOUSLY, DUDE NONE OF US ARE “FEELING” WORK TODAY! Do you think we want to be here either, especially picking up your slack for being out? HECK NO WE DON’T, but we have families, bills, priority’s, work ethic, and A JOB! I would rather you said: “I am taking a personal day to clear my head” but, “JUST NOT FEELING IT”, are you kidding me? OK there Barbie, I get you, when it comes time for payday, I’m just not going to feel like cutting that check either!
3.) “My wife says I can’t work today”– YES, LOL, this has been said to me before when I worked in HR! A guy called out because his wife said he had to stay home to watch the kids, and that her job was more important! Well props to the guy, at least he didn’t lie! 🙂 Now for homemaker dad (nothing wrong with this), make sure your wife can change her own oil and tires too because you’re watching the kids 😀
4.) “I don’t have enough gas”– I used to get this ALL THE TIME! I don’t understand why people cannot budget their paychecks for gas money for the work week. I mean you drive their, and home every day you should know how much gas you need for the week! Hope you get gas money somewhere soon to go job hunting because you just lost yours!
5.) “My Breathalyzer Machine won’t allow my car to crank”– maybe this guy needs to meet up with “I don’t have enough gas” guy because they are both IDIOTS! Who tells their boss they are drunk, and that’s why I can’t come in LOL? Hope he has other means to pay his probation, and the monthly leasing fee on his machine because he just got canned!
Until next time my friends, keep your work ethics high unless you plan on job hunting in the near future! In the work world, no matter who you are, you ARE replaceable! 😁
Heather Gantt- The 411 Addict