1. Thou Shalt Not Walk In Your Teens Room Without Back-up, Febreze!
2. Thou Shalt Not Speak Until You Have Had Your First Cup of Coffee!
3. Thou Shalt Not be Silent When Your Childs Room Smells Like Feet!
4. Thou Shalt Not be Silent When Your Child Smells Like Feet!
5. Thou Shalt Not Ignore Your Teens Vocabulary, LEARN IT!
6. Thou Shalt Not Try To Dress Like Your Teen!
7. Thou Shalt Not to try to be Cool, thou shalt BECOME THE COOL!
8. Thou Shalt Not be THAT MOM! Nobody likes “THAT MOM” JS!
9. Thou Shalt Not TRY to Keep Up With the Jone’s! You Will ONLY BE IN MORE DEBT, which makes you an idiot!
10. Thou Shalt Not Neglect the Wine Glass!
Yours Truly & Honestly,