Do you ever ask yourself why you do this every day? Why you wake up and get ready to do the same ol same ol? Do you ever get so burnt out at your workplace that you just want to call out, be introverted, eat alone at lunch, close your door, walk the opposite way just to avoid someone?
Maybe this particular job is not for you? Is there issues at home that are stressing you out, such as finances, marriage, kids? Do you take this to work with you? Not everyone sees this but it can cause a HUGE effect on your co-workers, team, and even the Organization as a whole.
How many people can say they LOVE their job, it was what they have always had a passion for, and dreamed it would be. The money is perfect, your co-workers all get along, no problems, no issues, and no financial or family problems that are worried about? Not many, exactly! We do not live in a perfect world, no job is perfect, no person is perfect. Our attitudes at work effect everyone! It takes one person’s bad attitude to spread to others! Yes, attitudes ARE a virus! For example:
Say we notice a huge drop in revenue, and it was said to be “expected” says team member person 1, and they get irritated that a team meeting was called to come up with ways to cut back, increase profits etc. This person sits in the meeting huffing and puffing, crossing their arms, and only giving suggestions and inputs that put the ideas on the table down, why they would not work, and it was a waste of time. This person states: “they could be working on more important things rather than sitting in a meeting that will not change anything nor help the situation.” This only makes others doubt future revenues, and the purpose of the meeting called was pointless. Our actions fall on others, we need to remember this. One person falls then we all fall as a team!
Our attitudes help develop a prevalent workplace environment, determining our judgments, morals, productivity and our team building skills. As we try and understand the positive and negative attitudes, and how they affect the workplace is a major implementation in creating a euphoric workplace.
One of the more direct effects of attitudes in the workplace is Retention. Positive employees encourage each other to get involved in activities, projects, growing with the company, and learning more to advance. The negativity leads to high turnover, negative competitiveness in order to advance, and less experience in the company which degrades the company’s ability to grow!
In the end, positive attitudes, recognition for work being completed, and always encourage employees to work their hardest with their best work ethic in mind. Employees work hard to better themselves and the company together. Positive attitudes contribute to employees realizing they are a part of a team, part of the company growth, and they ARE a part of the success of the company.
I invite you to join me in reading more about the second part of this blog, which will be a continuation. Workplace Attitudes and the Effects on Everyone in the Organization II! We will discuss ways of changing negativity in the workplace in a positive environment! In the meantime check out my other blogs and sit back and relax! Until next time my friends.
Yours Truly,
Heather D. Gantt