“In Order Have A Happy Work Environment, You Must Make Everyone Happy” – Heather Gantt
Tag: company
Do You Call Out A Lot?
Are we so sure about our job security, and our lives financially, that we can just up and decide not to go into work every other day, or call out two times every week? I don’t know about you, but PEOPLE ARE IDIOTS! Do they not realize that working is a privilege, and can lose…
The Toilet Paper Crises!!
Little do we realize all the small things that will bother us in life. Have you ever really asked yourself…… Well if you can answer the question quickly then you have a half-valid point, to yourself anyway. If not you’re just completely obliviously trying to come up with a valid point for yourself! What…
Workplace Attitudes and the Effects on Everyone in the Organization
Do you ever ask yourself why you do this every day? Why you wake up and get ready to do the same ol same ol? Do you ever get so burnt out at your workplace that you just want to call out, be introverted, eat alone at lunch, close your door, walk the opposite way…