Tag: coach
Quote of The Day
“Do Not Make a Mockery of yourself, Educate the Brain Before You Speak” -Heather Gantt
Growing Older
“As you get older your Circle will change and grow smaller, remember you are the company you keep” – Heather Gantt
Top 12 Words Your Teen May Use This Year
After researching and listening to my daughter and all her friends talk constantly, I have finally come to an understanding of some of the words the kids are using these days! If you have a teenager or know one, I am almost positive you have heard some of their outlandish languages, and just like me…
20 Reasons Why You Should Workout Today and Not Tomorrow
Are you like millions of people struggling with motivation to get up and start working out? I know I do! I struggle every single day! Seriously “THE STRUGGLE IS REAL GUYS”. I have decided to come up with reasons why I should start my workout routine today rather than tomorrow or the next day! We…
Are We Raised To be Needy?
Do you ever have them days where you don’t want to get up out of bed, days where we want to forget everything, days we wish we were children again? Is this what we thought our life was going to be when we were growing up? Were we really ready to be an adult? Were…