In today’s society, we go and go. Our way of life is working, stress, raising a family, stress even more, and learning to live in debt up to our ears. Right? Do we ever take time out for ourselves? Do you ever think about doing something sporadically? Put this in perspective. You work all…
Tag: parents
The Teen Years Have Started, Can I Scream Now?
The Honest Truth OK, so you work all day and come home to peace, and quite. You look forward to this all day while daydreaming at work on the perfect life you have. No stress, no worries, and the perfect attitudes from everyone in the family. You may get to lay on the couch and…
Are We Raised To be Needy?
Do you ever have them days where you don’t want to get up out of bed, days where we want to forget everything, days we wish we were children again? Is this what we thought our life was going to be when we were growing up? Were we really ready to be an adult? Were…
Workplace Attitudes and the Effects on Everyone in the Organization
Do you ever ask yourself why you do this every day? Why you wake up and get ready to do the same ol same ol? Do you ever get so burnt out at your workplace that you just want to call out, be introverted, eat alone at lunch, close your door, walk the opposite way…
Are You a Stressed Out Parent?
Is Life Closing in on You, or Feel Like It? Can we all agree that Life can be stressful? Of course! Alarm going off to early, morning school runs, full-time job, cleaning, clothes, dinner, kids, LIFE! Yep, I said it. Sometimes there is just not enough time in the day! You try to do your best…
Top 5 Ways to Keep Your Relationship Young
OK, so we can all admit that trying to keep your relationship hot is a little hard today, even if you think you have a wonderful relationship with your significant other. With jobs, routines, kids, home obligations, cooking, and much more, IT IS TOUGH! No doubt, most of us are ready to get some z’s as soon…