Life gets away from us, sometimes way out of the way. Work phone calls at dinner time, work may call you in while eating dinner, staying late at work, and much more. Keeping the romance in your marriage after the wedding is very challenging no doubt. There are ways to keep it fresh and keep…
Tag: parents
Parents Share Their Funniest Kid Stories
We all tend to go through life thinking we have a pretty normal family, right? LOL, we are all far from Right! Wait till you have kids if you have not already. Kids definitely put a different perspective on life. They learn, hear, see, and know a lot more than you think they do! Kids…
25 Phrases We Swore We Would Never Use When We Had Kids but Do
Growing up all of our parents got on our nerves at some point, right? From the constant nagging to kissing you in front of all your friends, you know because you were too cool for that! The nights we wanted to go out with our friends, but couldn’t because we were grounded. We brought it on…
Quote of The Day
Quote of The Day
How Can We Stop CyberBullying and Help Prevent It?
If you have not read my first blog on this subject, you should go back, and read the first one, “Top 15 Signs Your Child Is A Victim Of Cyberbullying” Parents you can help stop cyberbullying. No, I am not saying stop everything that you are doing, and find out where the person lives, so…
Mom’s 10 Commandments For Teen Survival
1. Thou Shalt Not Walk In Your Teens Room Without Back-up, Febreze! 2. Thou Shalt Not Speak Until You Have Had Your First Cup of Coffee! 3. Thou Shalt Not be Silent When Your Childs Room Smells Like Feet! 4. Thou Shalt Not be Silent When Your Child Smells Like Feet! 5. Thou Shalt Not…
15 Reasons Why Some Of Us Mom’s Drink Wine
A Day in My Life Sometimes I think I am on another planet! In fact, most days at my house, I AM! With my daughter’s teen vocabulary, attitudes, sports, homework, food, and want this want that. To my husband’s conspiracy theories, a believer in aliens, and that the government is out to get us…
Quote of The Day
Do You Call Out A Lot?
Are we so sure about our job security, and our lives financially, that we can just up and decide not to go into work every other day, or call out two times every week? I don’t know about you, but PEOPLE ARE IDIOTS! Do they not realize that working is a privilege, and can lose…